Friday, November 02, 2007

Win a prize...

"......Your line goes here......"

A bowl of Hummus for the reader who writes the best caption that goes with this picture.


مترجم سوري said...

as if u have a bowel of Hummus!

Maysaloon said...

أنتي سلويلي شي كابشن والك عليّ أحلى أكلة تسئية

لكوينك انتي؟ شتقنالك

مترجم سوري said...

تسئية بفرد مرة؟
انت ئد هالحكي؟

Dubai Jazz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dubai Jazz said...


Maysaloon said...

Dubai Jazz,
Why did you remove your comment? It was actually quite funny!

Maysaloon said...

جربيني مرّة بتحبيني كل مرّة


Landing Angel said...

Hi, I could put my comment on this photo to say >>>>

آآآآآآآآح مش عارف مين حط قطعة تلج في ضهري!! ممكن يا فهد تنزلها و حياة ربنا!!

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

king Ab: is this where bush puts his hand to make you speak?

pres Husni: ha ha ha! you know it is! you should know, you go the same slot in your back! so take it out already, you know it tickles like hell!

pres talabalabalabani: i myslef like it when bushie makes it tickle.

Maysaloon said...

Welcome dear IBJ, where had you disappeared to? You are the winner by the way. Next time you are in London, I'm treating you to some Fattet Humus!