The Beginning of the Beginning of the Beginning of the End for Assad...
The situation in Syria just can't go on like this. Every day I see the trickle of deaths continue and still the world is paralysed as this regime continues to savage the very people it is supposed to protect. This is the ugly side to the Assad's rule, if ever there was any other, and it is very clear now that even a conspiracy is preferable to many Syrians than to live one more day under this regime. I would not be surprised to see Bashar and his top advisors hanged by the neck in the central Damascene square of Marjeh, should the people ever get a hold of them. The fact that the Syrian regime will not even meet the president of the Arab League shows just how arrogant and single minded Assad's family is with regards to clinging to power. I suspect that any kind of frank discussion regarding the reality on the ground will never be conceded unless within the most inner circles of the Assad and Makhlouf families. In a way, I'm almost proud that Syria managed to produce such frightening political animals, but this senseless bloodshed cannot be accepted in any way. The best guard dog in the world must be put down should it ever turn on its owners or become rabid. Goodbye Mr Assad...
The world has to do more to stop the killings. Four of Syria’s Biggest Businessmen already been hit with EU Sanctions for Supporting the Regime.
Their homes, investments, and bank accounts are now being frozen in Europe. The US can not be far behind. Emad Ghraiwati, for example, a much respected Damascus tycoon who seemingly owns a bit of everything in Syria, is an American citizen and owns property in the US. What about the ministers in the parliment who supported Assad? What about the Minister of Economy and Trade Dr AlShaar who is known to hold dual citizenship, like Emad Ghraiwati, is an American citizen. It is time for the US to pressure these people...
You must pressure the regime, pressure the people around him. Where are their conscience, how can they turned a blind eye and still support him??? Remember Rami Makhlouf Cypriot citizenship was revoked, you must exposed these people. Check out and do research some of the people around him holds dual citizenship.
Ban-Ki Moon is rewarding the Syrian regime of terror.
Ban-Ki Moon is rewarding the Syrian regime of terror.
Why would Ban-Ki Moon appoint Abdallah Al Dardari as head of development strategy for the Arab World at the UN office in Beirut (UN-ESCWA)? (see UN broadcast below)
Mr. Abdullah al-Dardari has played a leading role in neoliberal reforms implemented in Syria since 2003. Until of late he was the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and, prior to 2005, he was the Head of the State Planning Commission for Syria. The neoliberal reforms he pioneered on behalf of the clique in power, which have taken the Syrian people hostage under the false alibi of confronting Israel, have wrought havoc on the on the population. Under his US/IMF market led reforms, poverty levels rose to the point where life’s basic necessities such food and shelter became an impossibility for the ordinary person. These reforms, which were carried out in line with the IMF recommendations, and hence at the orders of the US and Israel, have structurally weakened Syria as a nation. Hungry, poorly educated and unemployed people cannot represent sturdy foes to Israel’s aggression and occupation and impoverishing Syria is part of the Israel/US Zionist agenda for the Arab world. By posting Mr. Al-Dardari to this high level diplomatic UN job, he is being rewarded for the service he rendered to Israel and the US by Mr. Ban-Ki Moon- the secretary general of the UN, Ms. Rima Khalaf who was a Jordanian minister in the Zionist satellite Kingdom before becoming the under-secretary general of the UN, and the Israelis whose ambitions of draining their Arab enemies by all means possible, including that of starving them, have been duly accomplished by Mr Dardari’s neoliberal market friendly policies.
The appointment of Mr. Dardari to this post is also an acknowledgment by the UN body of the function that the Syrian regime is providing to US and Israeli imperialism by continuing its reign of terror. The regime knows well that if it were to engage in serious democratic reforms and stop the killings that the US and Israel will finish it off. The reign of terror structurally tears down Syria’s defense capabilities by killing away the will to resist in people because the Syrian people will be to frail to fight back while being held hostage to a false rhetoric of resistance by the Syrian tyrannical oligarchs. The Syrian regime is destroying Syria as a healthy social entity and therefore, it is a foremost ally of the US and Israel. So, is it not time to reward its goons, otherwise known as Shabbiha in Arabic, with high UN posts?
The Security Council, which is the foremost UN body, had moved to carpet bomb Libya on the basis of hypothetical claims that Qaddafi will commit genocide against his own population. More than 2000 Syrians have been murdered in cold blood by the Syrian regime, yet one sees no measures being taken to protect the Syrian population. That is because the Syrian regime itself is carrying out what NATO, which is the spearhead of imperialism, would have done to Syria anyways. Why should NATO bomb the Syrians when the Assad regime is doing just that. The imperialists are waiting to demolish Syria as a state once Assad weakens.
Libya’s and, now Syria’s fate, awaits all the Arab states. The storyline will be straightforward: starve the population with neoliberal market policies and then carpet bomb their countries. That is, Mr. Al Dardari will now advise the rest of the Arab world on how to follow the ‘successful’ model of Syria’s market-led development.
الغريب ان تمارس عقوبات بحق الشعب السوري أكثر منها على النظام
وكأن رامي مخلوف ومن لفّ لفه سيتأثر بعقوبات لطالما فُرِضت على هذا البلد شعباً وحكومة...
ليتها كانت ثورة..ضد الظلم كنّا وقفنا جميعاً في وجه النظام لمستقبل افضل
لكن لم نفقد حريتنا إلّا عندما بدأ الثوار بالبحث عن الحرية
خسرنا فرصة ذهبية في أن نلحق بركب الثورات العربية ، ذلك أن الثوار السورين اجهضوا ثورتهم بقتل الامن والجيش والمدنيين على اساس طائفي
لن يسقط..لقد رسختم حكمه
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