Monday, January 05, 2009

Reclaiming Samson and Abraham...

Question: What would you do if rockets were raining down on your country every day for years?

My response: I would bulldoze Gaza to the sea.

....silence. The person I was talking to wasn't expecting this answer from me, but the truth is that for Israel to rest truly on its stolen land, it must annihilate every last Palestinian who continues to claim that this is his country. There are no two ways about it and the fact that Israel is the region's only nuclear power confirms that they are there to fight to the bitter end. When the Israeli's withdrew from Sinai after Sadat's shameful capitulation they bulldozed and detonated all the equipment from refineries and the canal facilities that they could not take back. Water supplies to Sinai were cut by bulldozing earth across a five mile stretch. In Qunaytra, the Israeli's bulldozed and demolished as many buildings as they had time to before withdrawing whilst in Gaza, their unilateral withdrawal was also preceded by them tearing down anything which could be of use to the Palestinians. This is a nation which knows it is hated, and which hates back with unbridled fury. The fact that the Arab nation hasn't been able to repel them is because they have never really been used to this kind of ferocity in warfare before. Like bringing your fists to a knife fight, till recently most conflicts with Israel have been responded to with their "Iron Wall" policy, first coined by Ze'ev Jabotinsky the founder of the Irgun. Israel has never hesitated to use overwhelming and murderous brute force against its foes and is under no illusion that it would use nuclear weapons if the Zionist state is threatened. There is a crucial difference which is appearing now however, and this is that as ferocious as the Zionists are, they are not prepared to die, to spill Jewish blood, which they consider to be completely sacred. Fighting against Hezbullah, against Hamas, they are facing a foe who wants to die and who is prepared to be annihilated, but not to surrender. Connecting these is Iran, which is aiming for a nuclear weapon. It is this which is keeping people in Israel's paranoid security establishment awake at night, and rightfuly so. It is one thing threatening others with annihilation when you have the biggest stick, but do they have what it takes when push comes to shove? Can they stomach the Samson option?

There is an old story of the prophet Abraham speaking to some angels who were on their way to destroy the people of Lot for their wickedness. They told Abraham to look at the stars in the sky, that his descendants will be as numerous as these one day. He did not take them seriously, as his wife Sarah was old and he had not yet taken the slave girl Hagar as a wife. I think of the story which says that his descendants will have the lands between the Nile and the Euphrates till judgement day, and I think of all the Muslim's who venerate Abraham as a father figure with his name - Friend of God - خليل الله. Like the Philistines, the Zionists too came from across the sea and laid waste to the land. Could Delilah have been a member of the IDF or the Mossad? There to seduce and weaken Samson? Perhaps the Zionists should revisit these old stories, and see who the descendants of Samson and Abraham really are.


Lirun said...

you think you can speak for israel?

we've been around the block a fair few times.. and this time we're here to stay..

either get with it or (as you have already done) get out..

Alpha3958 said...

lets see, the filistins capture samsom and hold him prisoner in Gaza (like Gilad Shalit). Then as revenge, God crashes the buildings down on top of the filistins in Gaza and kills hundreds of them (

If you can't see the parallels, you need to study the hebrew bible more carefully. Or stop claiming our Jewish history as your own history. You have your own prophets. Stop trying to claim ours.

Maysaloon said...

Whyzee9, the faith is for Allah and not yours or mine to pick and mix as we choose. The prophets are innocent from your peoples actions.

Lirun said...

do you feel well rewarded for your faith.. have your prayers been answered?

did you pray for this distruction to be brought upon you?

Nour said...


The main problem is that you believe in these so-called "prophets" who are really nothing to be proud of. Forgive my direct and harsh approach to this, but your comparison of today's "Israel" to the Phillistines is completely misplaced, as "Israel" today is much more comparable to the Jewish "prophets" of old who have the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands. The people you are praising here are the same ones whom their god commanded to "leave alive nothing that breathes." The Jewish prophets are no different from Ben Gurion, Begin, Sharon, Olmert, or whomever decides to lead this unnatural, criminal entity. The Torah takes great pride in the ability of these prophets to massacre men, women and children. Wasn't it Moses who became upset with his men because they failed to kill the women and children of their enemies? And wasn't he the one who commanded his men to put to the sword every woman who has known a man, but every woman who is a virgin they shall take as booty for themselves? This is the exact attitude and psyche of today's state of "Israel."

Maysaloon said...

I will only say that I don't agree with your conclusions.

Alpha3958 said...

Noor you are correct. You are my enemy, but I respect you for being educated and for taking the time to actually understand the Torah beyond the superficial level of many people.

Maysaloon said...

The time of the Arab nationalists is coming to a close, the men from the days of Khaibar are returning. Truly, you have been mighty twice and you have corrupted twice...

Nour said...


Read the torah; see what it says about our people and what the record of those Jewish prophets is. I am not making anything up; it's all written down in their book. Their God literally commands them to "destroy everything; leave alive nothing that breathes." And Moses did in fact command his troops to kill and rape. David and Solomon did the same. This is all written down for all to see; yet we come back and declare our belief in and pride in those so-called "prophets."

Maysaloon said...

That God you speak of is also mine Nour. As a Muslim I believe in all that those prophets came with too. God does not do injustice to people, they bring the injustice upon themselves. Sorry I don't see eye to eye with you on this.

Alpha3958 said...

If you truly believed in the God who gave the Torah to the Jews, then you would believe that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Either you are a Zionist, or you are a hypocrite.