Monday, June 11, 2007

A traitor confronted..

Farid Ghadry being told he is a traitor and stooge by Arab Palestinian MK's on his visit to Israel. This man seems to think any publicity is good publicity. That's good, he'll make an easier target if he ever sets foot in Syria.


Anonymous said...

"That's good, he'll make an easier target if he ever sets foot in Syria."

It sounds like you want him assassinated for expressing a dissident opinion. Why do you fear democracy so much?

Anonymous said...

Forgive the above ignorant comment, he's anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Why not just provide an answer?

George Ajjan said...

How can one be a traitor to a nation to which he doesn't really belong?

Maysaloon said...

It's difficult for you isn't it Anonymous? Difficult to understand that such an obstinate, backwards and stubborn people can't seem to learn to accept what is for their own good. The White Man keeps coming over trying to save us from ourselves and we still can't be grateful enough.

Malcolm X once described the scenario of the field negro and the house negro. The house negro thinks everything is peachy while the field negro gets the skin whipped off his back if he doesn't work hard enough. When the field negro wants to revolt, the house negro stops him because he's got it so good. Farid Ghadry is America and Israel's house negro," Shuw thing boss! We got a good thing goin on hea' boss!"

Farid Ghadry is a house negro.

Anonymous said...

wassim, it's nice that you've found malcom x inspiring. but it's a little too simplistic isn't it? not unlike the fantasy, nasserite-influenced video game fantasy battle you're having with the west. ironically, it seems, and this is just conjecture on my part, your fine education a product of the west. please correct me if i'm wrong.

political islam and tribalism is getting the mid-east nowhere. yours is a classic example of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. the fantasy that the middle east could go it alone is just that. it's a global economy and you're just going to have to figure out how to live with that.

Yazan said...


Ghadry , apart from the fact that he has nothing to do with the country, and is a total anonymous to most syrians, and a pathetic politician, is one that invited the US to invade Syria.
I got beaten numerous times in marjeh sqr in damas calling for democracy, but I would never ever, [and i doubt anyone can] identify with this kind of pathetic excuse for a tail.
He allies himself with Bibi and Bush, since u write in arabic, i am sure you quite sure u are familiar with the size of atrocities these two have caused to so many people... He speaks on behalf of people who despise him...

And, tribalism?? excuse me?? Ghadry has been playing the Sunni issue for so long he outdated Khaddam...

Anonymous said...

thank you, yazan.
you don't have to write arabic to be familiar with the problems bibi and bush have caused. as it turns out, i don't.
wassim, instead of coming up with trite analogies, how about following yazan's lead and writing cogent answers to simple questions? it makes for a far better conversation.

Maysaloon said...

I think you understand my responses to you perfectly well so far. Perhaps you could confuse yourself less if you did not try to define me with things I have not said about myself. I've never said anywhere on my blog that I advocate a seperation from the West. I'm just against their meddling in our politics, supporting the Zionists and croney Arab governments and the American jackboots.

Finally, don't insult Yazan's intelligence by pretending that you are enjoying the conversation with him. You want cogent answers? Ask cogent questions,"Why do you fear democracy?" is not a cogent question. Since you enjoy my analogies so much, here is another one. Responding to you is like somebody trying to respond to Thomas Friedman. The assumptions and observations he makes are so incredibly naive and ridiculous that there is no possibility whatsoever. Epistemologicaly challenged people such as Friedman and yourself are simply incapable of holding "a conversation" as you call it, simply because they are not qualified to discuss the Middle East, politics or anything else international for that matter.

As for my education, I have no problem whatsoever having obtained it in "Western" institutions as you call them. Only a person with your narrow perception of culture and history would call different aspects of knowledge "Western" or "Arab". Your starting point and mine are completely different because of this. This is why Israel and America will eventually lose their presence in the Middle East and people like Ghadry will retire as old bitter men talking to whoever will listen.

Anonymous said...

ah yes, the old "you aren't qualified to speak with me" routine. sure, that will work. very narrow-minded for scholar, you are.

sasa said...

I have republished Wassim, I hope you don't mind. Great photo. But be careful of calling them 'Arab MPs'. It's a trick used by Israeli Jews to de-Palestinianise Palestinians who have taken Israeli citizenship. Hardline Israelis like to deny there is such a thing as the Palestinians. And by calling these people simply 'the Arabs', they are removing their claim on their land.

I know you have called them Arab Palestinian MPs, which is good.

Well said Yazan. I admire your cause, and your fight. And even Ghadry himself admits he has just a couple of hundred members - how many are Syrian? I would assume most are American or Israeli? Or Lebanese? Yes, you are right, Ghadry is disgracefully sectarian - claiming to fight on behalf of the Sunnis.

And George, too, yes, he is ambiguous about his origin. Before 20003 he was Lebanese. Now, all of a sudden, he is conveniently Syrian.

Ghadry deserves only as much publicity as his support justifies. Which is none.

Dubai Jazz said...

Wassim, Golaniya, Yazan and Sasa..
You guys make me (and every Syrian for that matter) proud, for that even if we took an adversary position toward the current Syrian political system, we'd never ever do that under an American umbrella… the only thing that give me power when I talk about Syrian issues, is my unwavering belief that I hold my country and its best interest at heart…

As for that pig called Ghadri, well…he's one corrupt seed, as we say in Arabic (bezreh 3atleh..).. right on Ahmad Tibi for what he did!

Lirun said...

wonder what the middle east would look like if we took the same approach that you do..

Maysaloon said...

Hmm...I take it your joking aren't you Lirun? You are talking about Israel when you refer to "we"?

Lirun said...

(a) no joke buddy..

(b) yes